Tuesday, November 20, 2012


InstaGC is one of my favorite "Get Paid To" sites. You can watch videos, complete offers and complete surveys for points. Unlike other sites, InstaGC sends you your gift cards immediately after redeeming. You can cash out for as little as $1 for Amazon gift cards. When there is an item I want on Amazon and I am a few dollars short, I head over to InstaGC and complete a few offers, redeem for Amazon gift cards and then I can complete my purchase. Click instant money to start earning now. If you sign up for any of the Get Paid To sites using my links, please leave me a message so that I can connect with you and help you maximize your earnings.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 15

I am thankful for friendships new and old.

Thanksgiving is 7 days away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 14

I am thankful that I love to cook.

Thanksgiving is 8 days away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 13

Having been blessed with 13,716 days on earth. Living, learning, loving, breathing, experiencing this life I have been given. I love this life and it is the only life I would ever want to live. For this, I am thankful.

Thanksgiving is 9 days away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 12

I am thankful for having heat in my home to keep me warm on these cold nights.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 11

I am thankful for all the men and women who serve/served our country.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 10

I am thankful for my marriage that is based on love, honesty, communication and compromise.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 9

I am thankful for being a stay at home mom.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 8

 I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who is the greatest father to our kids.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 7

I am thankful for having the ability to agree to disagree and not let political beliefs ruin my friendships.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 6

I am thankful for living in a country that gives me the Right to be Heard! 

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 5

I am thankful for knowing God. 

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 4

I am thankful for the quiet time I experience each morning before the house wakes up. 

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 3

I am thankful for waking up each to a new day of life!

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 2

I am thankful for being able to admit when I am wrong! 

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thirty days of being Thankful- Day 1

I am thankful for knowing what love is.

Thanksgiving is three weeks away. In our day to day lives we get wrapped up in schedules, to do lists and every thing else you can think of and we forget to be thankful and we tend to take a lot for granted. I am going to do my best to do Thirty days of being Thankful. I ask you to join me in this fun and rewarding experience.

Return on Relationship

What is your Return on Relationship? Meet Ted Rubin CSMO.

Click here to learn about Return on Relationship.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Only Constant is Change

Get up, eat breakfast, get dressed and start school work by 8:30a. After school work was complete, I am completely exhausted and barely have enough energy to throw something together for dinner. Focusing solely on homeschooling in attempt to do all I could without perceiving myself as a failure, I forgot about everything else. Basketball season has arrived and with it comes the run here for practice and run here for a game cycle.

What is the mom to do? SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE and more SCHEDULE. I have seen schedules that are planned down to the minute. Not ours. Our schedule is in 30 minute increments and consists of grouping. Example, 7:00-7:30 eat breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth. My decision to utilize grouping is to provide the child with a couple of things to do within a specific time frame while allowing him/her the choice to which they want to complete first and it provides each child with a little lee way. Chores are completed prior to starting school work and after school work is complete.

In the morning, there is NO TV time for the children. TV in the morning causes the children to become distracted and behind schedule. Behind schedule, is not what we want. Our schedule has been in place for two weeks. Not a lot of time, though you can see the difference and impact scheduling has made in our day to day life. For ideas on creating a schedule, search daily schedules in your search engine. There are many, find one that best suits your needs or create your own.

Having a schedule is a tool in managing your daily life. Will everyday go directly according to schedule? NO! Will you make changes to your schedule? Definitely! The only constant in life that is guaranteed, is change. We will always have change. Some good, some bad. The trick is to accept the change and make it work for you.

Cookies from My Heart

I want to introduce you to Cookies from My Heart. Cookies from My Heart is a Facebook page I started which is strictly dedicated to sugar cookies. I will be posting cookies, tutorials and anything else my mind thinks of that is cookie related to both my blog here and to Cookies from My Heart. You can easily find Cookies from My Heart posts by click on the tab above labeled Cookies from My Heart. I look forward to sharing my love for cookies with you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Alligator Tutorial

The Alligator was iced using a technique called Wet on Wet. This term is used to describe the process of adding icing of a different color onto icing that is already wet or hasn't hardened yet. The Wet on Wet technique is fun to work with. My tip to you, work quickly and do not over fill your cookie. Otherwise, overfilling the cookie will cause a "run over" as the new icing is being added onto the existing wet icing.  Causing dispersion in the initial icing. Applying wet on wet allows the second color to 'fall' into the first color leaving a smooth surface and leaving many to wonder, just how you did it.

This cookies has air dried over night. I like to brush off the cookie using a basting brush to remove any extra flour.

I outlined using the primary color of the alligator utilizing a #2 tip.

Now, I flood the cookie. Adding icing over 95% of the cookie. 95%? I know it sounds a little weird even to me. You don't want to cover the entire cookie. The incing will begin to settle and fill in the gaps as if falls into place. You can assist the icing falling into place by gently shaking the cookie from side to side.

For that 5% not covered, use a wooden skewer to pull the icing to the edges. Shake lightly to ensure a smooth surface.

Moving quickly before the first icing starts to dry, begin with adding the eye by placing a small blob of icing where you want the eye. Next, continue to place small dots of icing in the pattern you want. These dots were  created using a #0 tip.

At this point the cookie needs to air dry for about 8 hours. I typically dry the cookies overnight. 

With a #0 tip and icing that is a little stiff, begin making your little "stitch marks" around the alligator.

Lastly add the final touch of color to the top of the alligator. The cookie should be allowed to dry 8 hours or more before being packaged.

I hope that this tutorial helps you along in your cookie adventure.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween is almost here. The outside of the house has been decorated and costumes have been purchased. We have been invited to attend two Halloween parties this year. We are looking forward to both. One of the parties we will be attending is a Zombie party. The hubby and I chose to go with the Zombie theme while the kids chose whatever they wanted. Miss D has selected to be a Purple Witch, while Miss C had decided to be a "girly" football player. Mr C has chosen to be our local Ghostbuster and I am Zombie Cheerleader. As for Mr P he is being creative. Mr P purchased a suit for the local Goodwill. He had been working hard at find different ways to give his suit that dead look. So far his suit has been cut with scissors, slashed with a razor knife, buttons have been pulled off and rubbed continuously on the asphalt to give it the worn and beat up look. I believe at one point the kids where dragging the suit across the grass. Hubby has some great ideas to complete his Zombie look. He will be finishing it this week.

Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you dress up?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Did someone say cookies?

I am addicted to Sugar Cookies. Not eating them, but rather, making them. I could spend hours on end and days at a time baking and decorating cookies. I was shocked to realize I have been doing cookies for five months. I feel like I have been doing them my whole life.

I was contacted my a friend and asked if I would do an order of cookies for a baby shower. No need to ask this gal twice. The baby is boy and the theme is Turtles and Alligators. Too cute and different.

The Napkin:

Here is the Turtle Cookie:

Here is the Alligator:

I am delighted at how these cookies turned out. I am positive the recipient is going to love them.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Take A Break

During a recent tutoring session with our paraeducator, I mentioned how frustrated I was becoming with homeschooling and what seemed like a never ending battle. Mrs L mentioned that it is OK to take a break and have a couple of days off to regroup. I politely responded with "that sounds like a good idea." All the meanwhile I was thinking to myself, NO we can't take a break. We will just get further behind and then we will constantly be playing catch up to keep us on schedule. That was on a Wednesday.

Friday morning comes along and I awake feeling sick, sore throat and heavily congested. I just could not believe it, here I was sick with no energy and not up to teaching. I managed to complete our lessons for Friday. Saturday was spent on the couch hoping to get better. Sunday comes along and I stayed in bed all day. Nothing got done. Sunday is my prepare for the week day and guess what? Nope, that didn't get done either. Learning from previous weeks.... I am not a jump in and wing it type gal when it comes to teaching. I need my lesson plans ready to go Monday morning, otherwise, the week starts off on a bad note.

Not having any lessons prepared for the week I agreed we would take Monday off and I could use Monday to prepare lessons for the rest of the week. Praying to get better each day and I seemed to only get worse. Then, it dawned on me, the light bulb goes off in my head. Here I was at my last straw and was given the suggestion to take a break. Did I listen? No! Instead of voluntarily taking a couple of days off to regroup, I get sick and am forced to take time off. Coincidence?  Not at all.

I have been praying for days and weeks asking GOD to help me and point me in the correct direction. He was telling me what to do all along and I was missing what it was he wanted me to do. Funny how something can be so black and white, yet, grey. I looked up and said, "I get it now. I hear you." GOD was telling me it was OK to take a break and regroup. Once I "got it", I felt so much better and was able to focus on having some fun time with the kids.

I decided to give us the entire week off. The kids and I hung out for the week and even took a trip to Adventure City in Buena Park, Ca. We had a fabulous time. It was great to see them smiling and enjoying themselves. I felt so replenished and ready to take on the world again. We were once again back on track.
The following week went absolutely wonderful. Mr C had a couple of minor meltdowns, but we were able to quickly move past them. Both of the kids were able to stay on task and got along pretty well. It was a great week and it reminder me of all the positives that come from homeschooling.

Many homeschool for the flexibility and I feel that many moms that are new to homeschooling get so overwhelmed that they forget that. We forget that we don't have to stick to a conventional schedule. So if you are new to homeschooling and are feeling a little overwhelmed, take a couple of days off and not think about it. Clear you mind and enjoy enjoy some fun time with the kids. Remember, If mom is happy, everyone is happy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sitting at the computer enjoying a cup of my morning decaf as the overwhelming urge to cry takes over my body. I try desperately to find an answer, to get to the bottom of what it is that has brought me to this weaken state. But there is no one answer.  This is becoming a daily if not multiple times a day occurrence. Wanting to cry that is.  Each time I fight the urge and find something else to bury myself into. After all, I am a homeschooling mom and I don't have time for crying.

Our homeschooling journey has been ongoing for about 2 months. We have been experiencing more downs then ups. I believe I am doing something wrong. How can this be? Homeschooling is suppose to be fun. I should be able to enjoy my time with my children and helping them learn. I have done what I thought to be a good amount of research before beginning and I honestly thought I was prepared. What I was, was clueless. Clueless to the reality of what really happens. Many if not most of the homeschool blogs and websites I looked at depicted homeschooling as this constant loving, warm environment. So what am I doing wrong. I want that glorified homeschooling experience that many of the bloggers post about. I want that! 

Why don't I have that? The answer is two parts. First, I honestly am coming to the conclusion that homeschooling is NOT what it is being portrayed as. I believe that all homeschool families have ups and just as many downs as the next person. They just choose not to air their problems or issues and to focus strictly on the good. As for myself, I wish I was a little more prepared for the battle of homeschooling. I wish I had come across a blogger who blogged the truth about the daily struggles of homeschooling. 

Gone are the days of waking early, getting the kids ready and dropping them off at school for most of the day. Gone is the time I had to run my errands and get all the things accomplished on my to do list. Gone is the life I had and as hard as it is to admit, I am mourning the loss of that life. I miss my sanity. I miss being in control. 

My reality is this... Homeschooling is hard. I have put so much focus on Mr. C and helping him to get to where he needs to be, that I have neglected giving Miss C the help and attention that I want her to have. Reality is, my house is not as clean as I would like. Reality is, even though I don't feel stressed, I am. Reality is, I have lots of fun things I want to do with the kids, but we can't find the time. Reality is, cooking dinner has become more of a chore than something I love to do. Reality is, Miss D and I don't get the time together that we use to have. Reality is, I am exhausted. 

But he said to me, "My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Reality is, I am weak. Reality is, there are only one set of footprints in the sand. Reality is, this experience is bring me closer to GOD. Reality is, this is all a work in progress. Reality is, Mr C despite our many ups and downs is making wonderful progress and I believe he is beginning to have a love for reading (sshh don't tell him I said that). Reality is, my kids love being homeschooled, despite us having bad days. Reality is, this is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life and as hard as it is, I don't regret it. Reality is, I am finding out a lot about myself and am working on changing me. Reality is, this is my reality. This is my life. 

I have always said that I live my life with no regrets. Everything that happens, good or bad, is a learning experience. I am closing the door on the way life was and embracing life the way it is now. I am not alone in this journey and GOD has brought me here for a reason. It is not my place to know what his reasoning is, but I shall embrace this journey and keep an open mind. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Change your perception.

Morning time spent with myself enjoying a "hot" cup of coffee, while sitting comfortably with my computer in front of me, peace and quiet time IS important to ME. Two hours is all I ask. It is my morning routine and I like it. Time into the day so far this morning? 90 minutes, which includes time getting hubby out the door. 30 minutes of which are part of "my morning time". Yes, I said "my morning time." Here are my thoughts on my morning time this morning.

1. I am blessed that I was dreaming and not having a nightmare.

2. I was given another day to spend with my family and enjoy my life.

3. Hubby has a job for me to send him off to every morning.

4. My son's love for his father is so strong he gets up as his dad goes to work to simply say to him "I Love You."

5. My son enjoys my cooking and has breakfast requests.

6 The little one has gotten the sleep she needed and wants to join us for breakfast.

7. When homeschooling, if you miss something on the planner, you can move it along to another day.

8. I have eyes and am blessed with sense of vision.

Doesn't seem so bad. Now if only those where my initial thoughts.

1. I was sleeping really good. I don't want to get out of bed.

2. Do we really have to get up at 4:30a.

3.  Why can't I sleep in during the week and not need to make hubby lunch and breakfast five days a week.

4. Mr C is up way, way, way to early.

5. Mr C is nicely asking for me to make him an egg mcmuffin for breakfast.

6. Miss D has decided to wake up way to early also. (Wondering if the two are in cahoots with each other.)

7. Peaked at the planner and we are a full day behind with school work. 

8. This migraine is killing my head and eyes.

The second part was what first ran through my mind. It is Friday and I prefer to start my weekend on a much better note. No matter what, it seemed destined to be negative. 

I believe everything happens for a reason. I took a few moment to ask myself, "Why is this happening and where is the positive in this?" I looked for the positive and I found it. 

The point of this thread is WE need to change our way of thinking and how we perceive what is going on in our lives. If you look hard enough, you can find positive. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jingit and earn yourself some money!

Jingit - Watch ads. Take surveys. Earn cash instantly. The best brands pay for your time. https://www.jingit.com/?ref_id=13107&s=t

Jingit is a great way to earn a couple of extra bucks each week watching ads via the Jingit website, Jingit app for your smart phone or Walmart's website. Jingit has also partnered up with Walmart to allow Jingit users to do "check ins" at Walmart using the Jingit Mobile App. Check ins vary in payment price, I have seen $0.25-$2. Check ins are done using your smartphone that has a camera on it and scanning bar codes of specific items.

Quick and easy way to earn a few extra dollars each week. You can use the money you earn to purchase music or you can order your very own Jingit Debit Card. Money is loaded instantly to your Jingit debit card with just a click of a button. Being on a tight budget as a one income family, money I earn from Jingit is my play money. Which is currently being used to feed my cookie cutter addiction.

What will you spend your money on.

Please use this link if you decide to sign up. https://www.jingit.com/?ref_id=13107&s=t

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rest of the list or put your feet up and rest?

Sunday, a day of rest. I need to reevaluate that statement. Interpreted as a day where you relax and don't have anything on your to do list. Or it's a day to get done everything left over on your to do list from the previous week. I attempt to split the day into both. Mornings, I do housework and a bit of yard work. Evenings are usually spent relaxing with the kids watching TV. But lately, Sundays are being spent on lesson plans. Yes, I said lesson plans. Planning an entire week of lessons, multiple subjects, multiple grades and three children.

Lesson plans take forever. At least in my house. Update weekly schedule so no appointments are missed and classes are scheduled. Time is important and so is time management. Checking all subjects for Mr. C and Miss C to locate any topics, subjects or themes that can be taught together and plan accordingly. Read TE (Teacher's Edition) text for LA (Language Arts) for both children and plan reading, writing, workbook, computer and discussions for the week. Math is generally easiest to plan as it is mostly review at the moment. We have incorporated SS (Social Studies) for both, with Mr. C learning about California Communities and Miss C is studying Ancient Civilization. I loved Ancient Civilization when I was younger. We have received our Science workbooks and we're ready to begin. We were also given a lab book filled with experiments. These are going to be scheduled for the weekends when dad is available to assist us.

Block classes begin for Mr. C and Miss C this week. Block classes are classes for the kids to attend class with students from their grade and another grade while working on assignments and projects in various subjects. Mr. C's block is 2/3 (Second and third graders). Miss C's block is 5/6 (Fifth and sixth graders). Miss C will also be attending Spanish. This is all new to us and we will continually evaluate and determine if this will remain on our schedules. On a side note, Target is across the street from where the classes are located and that means "Retail Therapy" for me while the kids are in class.

As for Miss D, planning for her can be a little harder. I have to plan her lessons around what the others are doing. If Miss D is going to need lots of assistance with her assignment then I need to make sure the other two are working on something independently and vise versa. Miss D's assignments can consist of pre-writing practice sheets, coloring, sorting pom poms by color, scissor practice, painting and Play-Doh. All the mean while I need to have a back up plan in case she decides she wants to work on something else. I have more website for preschool activities/work than I know what to do with. Sometimes, too many resources can be overwhelming.

Last Sunday I spent about 5 hours on lesson plans. I am sure I was over thinking it all. Hope today won't take as long. I am a big football fan and today is the first Sunday games of the season. We recently switched to DirecTv in order to see all the games. My Cowboys played the other night but I still want to catch a few games. The "Rest of my to do list" from last week has just a few items which should only take a short time to complete. Off I go to start the day.

Cheers to a beautiful day. How do you spend your Sundays?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jingit- Easy Money

Budgets are tight for everyone, and a lot of you are looking for a few extra bucks. I want to introduce you to Jingit. Jingit is a company that pays you to watch ads. Currently Jingit is paying users $0.30 for a 3 second ad. Ads come and go and the pay varies for each ad. I have been using Jingit for approximately 1 year now and I love it. Here is a link to Jingit for you to take a look at and get started making money. Jingit has partnered with Walmart for even more chances of earning money using Jingit check ins with the Jingit app for your smartphone at Walmart.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Starting on the Right Foot

We are starting our third week of homeschool this week. I took time today and figured out my lesson plans for Mr. C and Miss C. I also included activities for Miss D. It feels good to be prepared for the week and hoping I won't have a repeat of my "uhm" day I had last week. Tomorrow is Labor Day and a holiday, however, we will be doing school work to maintain our schedule and not have to double on on other days.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeschool Days- Field Trips

Happy Friday everyone. One of the benefits to homeschooling is the amount of resources that are available to you. One of the benefits is the ability to take field trips to various places for either free or low cost admission. Many places provide curriculum that is downloadable from the websites for a great learning experience, while having fun. Here are a few that I have come across recently.

Aquarium of the Pacific
Homeschool Days
September 19-20, 2012
Cost: $6 per person, children under 3 free
Parking $8

2012 L.A. County Fair
Homeschool Days
Wednesday-Friday, September 5-28, 2012

*All info subject to change. I am not in control over this. I am just sharing the offers.*

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day!

During the weekend I had every intention of sitting down and making our lesson plans for the week. Intention  was not enough as I got busy and preoccupied with other things and lesson plans some how did not make the cut of what got accomplished. Homeschooling and lesson plans are a whole new concept that I need to make a priority. School is to be taken seriously. If I am not serious about making lesson plans, there is no way I can expect my children to take their academics seriously. My children look to me for guidance and instruction. I need to set a better example and be proactive.

Monday was, ugh, the day from, ugh! Ugh was the word of the day. Mom, What am I suppose to do for Math today? Ugh was the response. Mom, What do I do for LA? Ugh, again is the response. Not the best way to start a day, especially a Monday. I worked frantically to pull assignments together to keep them occupied and productive so that I could get my lesson plans completed for the week. It seemed to take all day. I learned a lot of what did and did not work last week and made changes to make our days flow better.  My frustration of not having lesson plans ready got the best of me and everything the kids did seemed to add one more straw to this camel's back. Before study time was over I was in tears. Sad, overwhelmed and feeling like a failure I was ready for the day to end. During dinner my husband and I were talking about the day and how the homeschooling was going. I explained my day and he could see the toll the day had taken on me. It was at this time that I  remembered something about the day that had almost gotten lost in my frustration. My son, Mr. C, completed all of his reading worksheets on his own and got everything correct except for two questions. I quickly called him into the room and praised him for trying so hard and staying focused. It brightened his face up to know that I was proud of him and that I noticed he had done it all on his own.

It is hard for me to think something so important was almost forgotten because I allowed myself to become so consumed by my frustrations. As I was talking with Mr. C my frustrations disappeared. That one single moment among all the frustrations made the day completely worth it. I know this is only our second week into school but I am seeing a difference and I feel progress is being made. All of which is a confirmation that we made the right choice for our family.

Many of us get caught up in the moment and allow ourselves to be consumed with the frustrations and negativity of what happens in life. This reminds me of a quote:  "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in everyday."- Author Unknown.

Stop and find the good in your day.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I have been trying to write this post for what seems like forever now and it gets more and more difficult each time I sit and type. I have no problem when it comes to writing my other posts. This post is different, more painful and forces me to admit what I have kept hidden for so many years from friends and family, with the exception of my wonderful husband.

Our mind can be our own worst enemy. As a child I can remember hearing boys/men say, "Look at the mother and you will know what the daughter will look like in 20 years". This has stuck with me my entire life and is embedded in my brain. My biological mother is just under or about 5 feet tall and on the chunky side. Almost everyone on my maternal side is "big boned" with the exception of my grandmother. As for the sperm donor, he is tall and thin at 6'7". I was blessed to get caught in the middle between them and am 5'7".

In my eyes, I have never been as thin as I would like. There have been many times though where I have been comfortable with my weight. With my first daughter I gained 60 lbs and I was able to lose some of it. When my son came along I gained 40 and managed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I then gained 40 with my youngest daughter and was able to get 20lbs off. None of this has helped with my self-esteem.

I can't believe I am doing this! Breathe.... breathe...... Not am I only going to admit something completely painful, but I am putting it out there for the whole world to see and know. I have an eating disorder. I binge eat, late at night. This is not your typical pig out late at night after everyone goes to bed. I wake up in the middle of the night and find myself standing in the kitchen eating, usually it is something sweet. I have no memory of getting out of bed or eating any of what I ate, but just find myself standing in the kitchen with food in my hand. I have gotten up in the morning to get hubby's breakfast/lunch ready so he can go to work and I find a mess of my nightly feast, yet, I remember none of it. Can we say scary. There have been a few occasions when my husband has heard me eating at night and he has had to stop my from eating and get me back to my bed.

I have an eating disorder. I use the word "have" rather than had because I believe that once you have a disorder, you will always have it. You man learn to keep it under control or keep it at bay, but in the end, it is and always be there. My nightly feast do not occur every night and I still have not been able to pinpoint what triggers them. I can go six months without an episode. I know this because even though I don't remember the feast there is almost always some indication that the pig out occurred, i.e. wrappers in the trash, containers on the counter rather than where it belongs. Those kinds of things. I think it is my subconscious letting me know what happened. As of this writing, I honestly don't remember when the last time it happened. That is a good thing, right.

I have not talked to or seen a doctor, nor do I really want to. My weight is a very touchy subject with me and I am frustrated with it. I know I am overweight, fat, obese whatever you want to call it. It is a fact and I know it. I have had three gym memberships in the past 11 years and I stuck with them for about three months and then it just seemed more of an inconvenience. The gyms are so crowded it and it can be difficult to find time in between life, kids and family. I am not making excuses, I am stating the facts as I see them.

Dieting, have I tried dieting? Yep. Did it work? Nope. When I tell myself I cannot eat certain things or I have to limit my breads and cheeses I go crazy. Seriously, I go crazy. I am like an addict waiting for the next fix. I began to sneak and I become almost obsessed with eating what I should not be eating. If I don't tell myself I can't eat those things I am totally fine. I don't want to be a lifetime dieter. I want to be able to enjoy life and food. I also have Hypothyroid. My Thyroid does not work on its own. I take a pill every morning to replace what the thyroid isn't making.

With all the rave happening around P90x I took a look at it and it is not for me. I don't want to kill myself or burn out before I truly get started. I did feel that Beachbody, the makers of P90x, was onto something and I checked out the reviews for the P90 system. I am over 200 lbs and I can't do a whole lot of hard core stuff without my knees killing me. P90 had great reviews. I bought it and was super excited to try it.

P90 arrived and it was completely do able for me. Yes it was difficult at times and yes it challenged me. But it didn't discourage me. I never felt like there was anything that I could not do that they did in the videos. My routing became up at 4:30a get hubby off to work and P90 at 5am. I enjoyed it. I was having more energy and felt better. I was not losing the weight that I had expected. I did not do any of the supplements that are suggested. I have a hard enough time taking my Thyroid medication. Not seeing weight loss was disappointing. Though I wasn't losing pounds, I was losing inches. My clothes are fitting differently an I can see the difference when I look in the mirror.

I was able to do 45 days of P90 before I fell off the wagon. Family vacation got in my way. We decided to homeschool and my schedule some how got loss in the shuffle of life. Yes, I am making excuses for myself to comfort me in once again failing myself. Last night I treated myself to Cold Stone's ice cream with the promise to get back on schedule.

This morning I sent hubby off to work and headed for the bedroom, not to go back to sleep, even though I really wanted to, but to get my P90 workout video. My workout is complete and I feel good. I need to do this for myself. I need to put myself first. I started this post by saying as a child I can remember hearing boys/men say, "Look at the mother and you will know what the daughter will look like in 20 years". I am me, I am not anyone else and I don't have to look like or be the same size/shape as my mother. I am tired of being trapped in this body because of some stupid saying. Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

That was Painless

It is Saturday evening and I am reflecting on this past week. I find myself looking back and laughing at myself. Before the week begun I was feeling so overwhelmed and was doubting our decision to homeschool. I admit, I definitely made a mountain out of a mole hill.

The week went by quickly and each day was a learning process. The first couple of days we mainly focused on LA (Language Arts) and Math. As we got comfortable we added in a little Social Studies. Next week if all goes well we will add Science. I am enjoying my time with the kids. We are trying to work out a system so that we have the least amount of interruptions as possible. But, I am not sure that is conceivable with an almost 3 yo (year old) running around. We stayed on schedule, completed everything we had planned and I was able to do some baking in between.

From what I can tell the kids like being homeschooled. Thursday morning I was shocked when I came into the living room and the kids were all sitting there patiently waiting for me and my son had the ipad waiting for our morning reading of the Bible. Hold on a minute though, the kids also completed all of their morning chores and I did not have to say one word to remind them. I was ecstatic. I reinforced their wonderful behavior with praise and thanked them for being responsible. Crossing my fingers they keep this up.

I belong to a couple of homeschooling groups on Facebook and am grateful for their support and the amount of resources that the groups' leaders and members share with one another. I am by no means alone in my adventure. There is someone else out there that has the same shoes on as I and is walking the same path. It is comforting to know that I am not alone. Thank you to these groups for giving me ideas to keep the little one busy. It certainly did help.

Monster High Cookies

It is no secret, I am addicted to make cookies. We had a Birthday party to attend and I jumped at the opportunity to make some sugar cookies. The Sugar Cookie Recipe and Royal Icing Recipe that I use can be found at The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. I give lots of credit to Callye, she is an extremely talented woman who has provided me with lots of inspiration.

The birthday girl was turning 7 and her theme was Monster High.

7 for the birthday girl's age.

We can't have a party without cupcakes. Here is was trying to decide which style I liked best. I went with the one on the right. Thanks to my wonderful friends who voted. 

Girly skull and crossbones to go with her Monster High theme.

The finished product.

The week was a little crazy and I was glad to take some time out of my daily schedule to make these cookies for the birthday girl. The cookies were a hit and everyone loved them. 


Monday, August 20, 2012

We Survived!!!!

I spent a little bit of time yesterday working out a few assignments for today and Tuesday, focusing on Language Arts and Math. Once we get the hang of it we will incorporate other subjects as well. I didn't want to bombard the kids or myself with overload.

1 Math page front and back for both kids. Our Language Arts curriculum has an online component which is nice. I will admit that I fumbled around on the online component trying to figure it out. Still not sure I got it down all the way, but I do have enough figured out to get us going. Both kids enjoyed their LA online. My son had 3 LA worksheets and he did a spelling pretest. He missed 2 out of 13. So proud of him. My daughter had 4 LA worksheets.

We began our day at about 8:30a starting off with running a few errands, including the grocery store. We got down to business about 10:30a and had a nice lunch break. At this time the kids began their LA worksheets. However, my son began to have a melt down and I made a deal with him, finish the worksheet he was on and we would take a break and treat ourselves to a dip in the pool. Forty minutes in the pool and back to studying for 20 minutes to finish their work.

All of that and I was able to squeeze in a some housework and dinner is cooking in the Crockpot. I am thankful today went over well. Our adventure has started off on a good note and the kids are looking forward to tomorrow. I enjoyed the flexibility of our day and being able to spend time with each one of my children helping them with their work.

All in all............. TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY!

Friday, August 17, 2012

What was I Thinking

Woke up yesterday morning feeling anxious. We were scheduled to meet with our Para-educator to receive our books, lesson plan and to have my son's reading ability tested. I was scared and second guessing my decision to homeschool my children. I continually asked myself, "What were you thinking?"

Seeing all of the books made me want to faint. (Once I got home and sorted by student edition and teacher edition it wasn't so bad) My son tested lower than I expected in reading which took my anxiety and feeling of drowning into anger and frustration. I have been working really hard with him and he has made improvement, but it just proved to me how his school failed him and that I made the correct decision to school him at home. 

My lesson plan that I received was beyond basic. Do Chapter One and related workbook pages. Our program does allow us to use a variety of teaching methods and decide what we teach, I was just hoping for a little more guidance since this is my first teaching gig. I have spent the last four hours looking at workbooks, teacher editions and student editions to grasp some sort of sense where to begin. I finally had to walk away from literature, LA, Reading etc. and took a look at Science, Social Studies and Math. Now it is all starting to seem a little more doable. I did learn one thing, I need a good lesson planner to get me organized.

I spent the better part of the evening looking for a good planner to help keep the kids and I on some sort of schedule so that we don't slack off. One would think that finding a planner to use would be easy, right? Wrong! At least not for me. I read on another blog how she used sticky notes for each day in her planner that way if she had to move something to another day it was easy. Sounds like an interesting idea. This morning, I will be making a trip to my local Target to see what they offer and make a decision.

Yesterday is behind us!!! Woo Hoo..... I had a great night's sleep and I am feeling much better. So, What was I thinking? I was thinking that traditional school was not working for us and that we needed to do something different. I was thinking that my son required more one on one learning and that the school he was in was not able to provide that to him. I was thinking that I want my children to have more positive influences in their day to day life. I was thinking that I want to be closer and have a closer relationship with my children. I was thinking this is the right decision for us at this moment in time.

I am blessed to have found a wonderful group of homeschoolers on Facebook and Yahoo Groups. I am grateful for all of the support, advice and resources that they have shared. Most importantly, I am thankful to know that I am not alone in this journey and that there will always be someone out there to think we homeschoolers are crazy, but also that there are a lot of people who think we homeschoolers are doing what is best for our children.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Making the Right Choice

First off, for anyone who is thinking about homeschooling, check with your State Department of Education. Each State has it's own set of rules and guidelines to follow. You can also find many resources out there to help you decide what the proper path is for you to take.

We have decided to give homeschooling a try. With that decision comes a million more decisions. In California we have a variety of options when it comes to home schooling. Since I am new to this myself, I will not make any claim as to knowing all the facts. When I began my research I came across California Homeschool Network and was thankful to find out a lot of what I need to get me going. I mentioned options earlier and there are a few to choose from. Reading over Just the Facts will give you a much better understanding.

We chose Option 3-Public School ISP or Charter Schools. This is still a public school and it is funded by the State of California. With this option, we are provided with all of our books and materials needed, we are still subjected to the STAR Testing and we are required to meet the California Department of Education guidelines. The only difference for us is we teach and learn at home. This is the choice that I felt would be best for our family. That doesn't mean it would be right for yours. This is a very personal decision that is made and while others may not agree with my choice, it is just that, my choice. We are just in the beginning stages of our homeschooling adventure and later on my choice may change. Right here, right now, this is what we are doing.

"Why take your child out of a public school to put them into another public school?" This is a popular question I am asked. I believe that there are to many children and not enough teachers in your tradition school. By utilizing a charter school, my family is assigned to a teach that is available to provide any support we need. We meet with this teacher once a month to turn in assignments and to get next month's lesson plan. My son requires more one on one attention when learning and I am able to provide that to him by homeschooling. I am also able to control the outside influence that my children are exposed to. Both of my children have been bullied and I am not going to allow that to happen again. I am not against our school system, I just don't like what I am seeing and it is my responsibility as a parent to put my children and their needs first.

Homeschooling is done for many reason. If you are curious about homeschooling, ask questions, keep an open mind and never judge.

This is the first in a series of posting to come regarding Children and Education. I am not an expert, just a parent trying to do my part.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

People come in our life for a reason

New sports seasons brings new families and the possibilities of new friendships. Years ago, I tried to get to know all the parents on the team and chat with them in hopes of making new friendships. I was often left with the feeling that people just didn't like me. I generally would be the one initiating the conversation. And then I would here the stories about the various families on the team getting together, hanging out and having BBQ. Our family never being invited. I was hurt that we were not invited.

My solution was to stop trying to befriend everyone. For the last two years, we have kept to ourselves. We would say hello and be cordial. During practices, I would be found at the playground playing with my other two children rather than sitting with other parents. During game times, we would sit away from everyone. It was a different experience that is for sure. I was able to enjoy the game more and didn't have to listen to parents complaining about the coaches or any other B.S/gossip going around the field. Also, the parents didn't have to listen to me trying to start a conversation with them. I admit, I can be a talker.

This summer session of Basketball was no different. I was cordial but kept to myself. But a funny thing happened this season. We were at a Basketball game and my neighbors should up to support my daughter and watch her play. As we were enjoying the game, my neighbor mentions, "There are my neighbors that live behind us on the next street over." I was surprised. I mentioned that they were on our team. I am not sure why but I seized the opportunity. I walked over to the parent and asked if she lived on "such and such" street. (I don't want to name any names of people or streets to keep things confidential). The parent replied, "Yes we do." I mentioned that we live right around the corner from each other and that it would be great if we could get the kids together for a play date. Our kids are very close in age.

I was elated when she agreed that we should get together. Our first play date went off without any problems and it was a great feeling watching all the kids getting along, having a blast and listening to their laughter. Eight kids total ranging from age ten to two and a half. Not only did the kids hit it off, but so did the other parent and I. As we were talking during our first play date the subject of school came up and I found out that the kids were being home schooled. (No these kids were not socially awkward or pale in color. They looked and acted like typical kids but better behaved and respectful. But that is another topic).

My husband and I had previously discussed home schooling for the simple fact that my son struggles in school. Neither my husband or I felt confident that it was something that I could handle and we moved away from the subject at that time and I hadn't thought about it. I had done a little bit of research and spoken to many online friends that home school. Hearing these kids were home schooled made the wheels start rolling again in my head. I have to say that being able to sit with someone face to face, get your questions answered and be able to interact with kids that were home schooled really opened my eyes and but put the topic back on the table for my family.

For the next few days there was a ton of discussion with my husband and kids about home schooling and whether or not it was right for us. My conversation with my new friend helped me to answer this question. My answer was, "I don't know if it is right for us, but I am willing to jump in with both feet and try my best. If if it doesn't work out we can always go back to traditional school."

Someone once said, "We don't know what we don't know." What a true statement. We must try new and different things to see if it will work for us. Most importantly, we all need to keep an open mind about everything. Just because we are always told something is a certain way doesn't necessarily mean it has to be that way. If you find what you are doing isn't working for you or your family then it is time to find something that does work. I am willing to find what does work. Am I scared? Of course I am. Am I worried I might fail? Absolutely. What person wouldn't feel that way going into uncharted waters?

We decided that we would be foolish not to try. And now our adventure begins............

This is the second posting in a series of posting to come regarding Children and Education. I am not an expert, just a parent trying to do my part.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Good Bye School Year!

2011-2012 School year is finally over. I am happy the school year is behind us. My daughter was in the 5th Grade and my son was in the 2nd Grade. Both have passed and will be moving on to the next grade. I am grateful to the teachers that had my children and to the wonderful staff at their school. Their job is not easy and I have seen how it can take a toll on them.

Like I said, we had some good teachers but we also had some teachers that I was not overly impressed with. As a parent it is my DUTY to be supportive of my children's education and to do what I can to assist them in their learning adventure. I wish more parents would think the same way. I honestly believe that the teachers today are overwhelmed, overworked and stressed. With public schools constantly being hit with budget cuts, I couldn't even begin to fathom what it would be like to go to work everyday wondering if you were going to be laid off.

Each school year my children and I visit each class a few days before classes start to meet with the teacher and to introduce ourselves. At this time, I like to give the teacher's my phone number and email info and I always ask for them to contact me if my child is acting up or if there is anything and I mean anything going on that I need to be aware of. These are my children and I want to be supportive of my children and their teachers. Not to mention that I know my children are no angels, they are kids. I want the teachers to know that I am a very, very, very involved parent. I usually get a "thank you", a "I wish I had more parents like you" comment and the "Of course I will keep you informed of what is going on".

So what happens.....? It has been very rare that a teacher would contact me. Does that mean that everything is perfect? Heck no. I generally am contacting the teacher to find out what is going on. By the time that I sense there is an issue, it can be hard to get a handle on it. I wish I had an answer to why the teachers don't get more in touch with the parents. Both of my children had some issues academically and once I really began to stand my ground did I feel that my voice was being heard.

This past school year has taken a toll on our family emotionally. Both of my kids were harassed and bullied at school. I am thankful that I have a great relationship with my kids and they feel comfortable talking to us about any issues that they have. If it wasn't for my kids telling me what was going on, my husband I would have never known. I spent more time in the Principal's office this year than I think I ever did as a child. For the most part I was happy with the resolutions but there were a few that left a bad taste in my mouth. It is hard to have faith and believe in a system when you are often left wondering WTH!

Until next year.

This is the first in a series of posting to come regarding Children and Education. I am not an expert, just a parent trying to do my part.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where has the time gone.........

I have failed miserably at the whole blogging thing. My last post was in May of this year. Two entire months have passed and not a word. I am disappointed in myself. When I first decided to blog, I had a ton of ideas and subjects that I wanted to blog about. As you can see, I haven't gotten to them. As soon as I sit to write, my mind goes blank. The past few months have gone by so quickly and my thoughts have come and gone just as fast.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Regal Summer $1 Movie Express

$1 Movie Express is back for the 2012 Summer. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am participating Regal Cinemas will be showing one movie each day rated P or PG for just $1. This is a great way to break up the day and get out of the sun and heat. Movies vary by location. Click for participating Regal Cinemas.

50 Point Bonus for Signing up! Don't miss out.

I just won 50 SuperPoints by playing the SuperLucky Button!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Practice, Practice and more Practice

Three different sugar cookie recipes later and I have found my favorite one. The Sugar Cookie Recipe is from The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle and so is the Royal Icing. If you have never heard of The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle, I highly recommend heading over and taking a look at her blog. I have learned a lot from her and the information she provides has helped me to avoid some of those first timer frustrations. These cookies were made using a Onesie cookie cutter from the Wilton. My cookies are no where near perfect but I am happy with how they came out. I used a #2 and #3 tip for piping and decorating (I need to get #1 and #1.5 to be able to do the finer detail) and the flow icing was done using a Wilton Squeeze Bottle. Techniques used where wet on dry and wet on wet. The top photo are cookies decorated yesterday and the bottom photo are from cookies decorated this morning. I invite you to leave me a comment on what you like and don't like about these cookies.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sugar Cookie (attempt #1)

Decorated Sugar Cookies scare the heck out of me. I had never tried to make them for fear of failure. I do not do failure very well and I am my own worst critic.

A family member is expecting her first baby and for her baby shower she has requested that my daughter make various types of cookies including sugar cookies for her shower. I graciously agreed to her request without peeping a word of my fear and the simple fact we have never done them.

I have spent the better part of the last two weeks searching the web, you-tube and talking with friends for the perfect sugar cookie recipe and royal icing recipe. I will admit, there is so much information out there and everyone thinks his/her recipe is the best. I do enjoy reading all the blogs and really enjoy hearing about the mishaps. Mishaps, this is one thing that you can always count on. I find myself more prepared now that I am armed with some of the do's and don'ts of sugar cookies and royal icing. Cookies are easy, right?

With my daughters end of the season softball party nearing, I decided to jump into the sugar cookie making mode and use this experience as practice. The baby shower is not until June. I got plenty of time. I kept the details simple as to not overwhelm myself in my adventure. I used The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies recipe I found on Allrecipes.com. I was very pleased with the taste of these cookies, however, I did find them just a little sticky to work with. As for the icing, I used a Cream Cheese icing that tasted great. I have been sworn to secrecy and am unable to provide you with the recipe. Sorry.

Not to shabby for my first run. I am happy that my first time was a successful one and that I am more determined now than I was when I started. One common statement I have found on many of the blogs out there is, This is all about trial and error and finding what works best for YOU. What works for one does not always work for others. I did a lot of research and was prepared for all of the endless mishaps that could have happened. Decorating cookies can be very time consuming, the end result is rewarding. Have fun with your adventure.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I just won 75 points on the SuperLucky Button!

I just won 75 points on the SuperLucky Button!: Superpoints is a members-only club where you earn great rewards for doing things online like taking surveys, watching videos or shopping.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You can get a 25 point bonus for signing up today using this link.

I just won 25 points on the SuperLucky Button!: Superpoints is a members-only club where you earn great rewards for doing things online like taking surveys, watching videos or shopping. Here is a 25 pt bonus if you sign up

Friday, April 20, 2012

Operation Smile- Help give back with the click of a button!

Operation Smile: This April Like Operation Smile on Facebook and SwimWays will donate $2 per Like http://on.fb.me/IKxw0E #OperationSmiley360 *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.

Success or was it Luck? Update on Potty Training

 I would have been back sooner to update, if I had had anything to update you on. Three days and almost nothing. She is loving the Pull-ups and is excited to be wearing them. But I get the feeling that her excitement stops there.

No more timer. Call me crazy. I prefer randomly asking her if she needs to use the restroom. Since our last post on Patty Training, I have been very consistent and making sure that my little one is attempting and thankfully she has been a great sport and no tantrums or meltdowns. That there is some success. Yesterday mid-morning I hear "I made potty." Reflecting on that moment, I laugh at the excitement that rushed through this house. Someone passing by would have thought we won the Lottery.  No repeat performances that day.

I will take it as luck and success. Right time, right place and our goal was met. Patience and perseverance pays off. What is right for one may not be right for another. Focus on achieving the goal at hand rather than focusing on a "game plan" that you think you "have to follow." Potty training is teaching me to be flexible.Trying different methods until I find one that works for both my daughter and myself.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Potty Training

I am always dumb founded when parents mention that their child/children potty trained right away and without any hassle. I think, I am even more bamboozled when I hear that the child/children were potty trained by age 2. My oldest, took 18 months to fully potty train and what a struggle it was. My son, took about 6 months. He was a lot easier to train than the oldest, but we did have a more difficult time with doing #2 on the potty.

Two down and one to go. She is 2 1/2 years old. I first attempted Potty Training shortly after her second birthday. I bought her, what I thought, was a really cool potty chair that would play music when she was successful at using the potty. With two kids potty trained, I am thinking the third one won't be to bad. Was I wrong.

So it began. First thing first, set the clean potty chair in the living room so that the little one could get used to it and feel comfortable with it. I left it in the living room for about two days and then I had her move it to the bathroom. Next, take her to the bathroom every thirty minutes around the clock, unless she is sleeping of course. First day comes to an end and no success. It was only day one, what was I thinking? Day two same routine. On this day, she would sit, say she was done(even though she hadn't done anything) and then run out of the bathroom. As soon as she had her diaper on, she would go the bathroom. Now at this point I am feeling a little bit better because I feel that she is having some control as she waits until her diaper is on. Day three and success, she used the potty for the first time. I am so proud of her. The potty begins to sing and scares the daylights out of her and she runs from the bathroom screaming, "I don't like it!". From this point on, anytime I ask her if she needs to use the rest room or I guide her to her potty chair, I get the same reaction, "I don't like it!" It is amazing how quickly success turns to failure. I continue to encourage her to use the potty and still I get the same reaction. I take the batteries out and prove to her by pouring water in it that it will no longer sing. She still isn't having it.

After about a week of "I don't like it", I threw in the towel to save my insanity and decided to try again at another time. Fast forward 6 months and here we go AGAIN. I am hoping this will be the last attempt. My girl loves Minnie Mouse and as a form of encouragement, I bought her Minnie Mouse undies. Day one, sit on the potty, no success and I ended up with a lot more laundry that day. Day two, I am thinking, I will be smarter and instead of going to undies first, we are doing pull-ups. We have made many runs to the potty, but still no success. I am determined to get her potty trained and am hoping my patience will last. Funny thing is, every time she sits on the potty she wants to brush her teeth. I find myself wondering where she comes up with some of this stuff. I mean, really, who brushes their teeth when on the potty? Kids, gotta love them.

Potty Training is not fool proof and in my opinion, there is no right or wrong way. As with parenting, you've got to find what method works best for each child, remember that each child is an individual and what works for one certainly is not guaranteed to work for the next. At this point the only thing I can do is be consistent, encouraging and cross my fingers that it will all "click" for her real soon.